Program Components

F.A.M.I.L.Y. Initiative

In order to meet the critical need for parental/family involvement in the Norwalk Mentor Program, the F.A.M.I.L.Y. Initiative - Families And Mentors Involved in Learning for Youth -was established in the Fall of 1993 with a pilot grant from the W.K. Kellogg Company. The Initiative continues to be funded through grants, and it enables mentors, students and their families to get together for informal evening events which include a simple meal, a workshop or speaker to address pertinent subjects and a fun activity in which all attendees can engage. The workshops and/or speakers address areas such as how to read to and with your child, conflict resolution, how to obtain a G.E.D. Diploma, how to write a resume, etc. The evening functions also provide an opportunity for mentors to meet the families of their students and for student family members to meet the mentor with whom their student is matched.

E-mentoring for High School Mentees

Mentoring at the high school level poses a number of challenges for both mentor and mentee. Student schedules are significantly more complicated than at any time in their educational career and mentors very often find it difficult to identify a mutually agreeable time for their weekly mentor meetings. In an effort to keep mentors and mentees connected through the senior year of high school with an eye toward maintaining scholarship eligibility, e-mentoring pilots were born at the high school level. Mentors and mentees are required to meet face-to-face at least once per month, but may then opt to keep in touch via e-mail during the other three meetings per month. All e-mail is generated from the mentor's worksite and from the mentee's high school during the normal school day. Parent permission is obtained prior to beginning the e-mentoring, and school liaisons monitor the process being sure that all Policies and Procedures are being adhered to.

Collaboration with School-To-Career Program

In order to provide a continuum of services and opportunities for exploration, the Norwalk Mentor Program collaborates with the Norwalk School-To-Career Program to provide participants in both programs with the opportunity to explore post-secondary education options as well as career interest areas. Selected students in both programs are afforded the opportunity to tour and gather information at the local community college in an effort to make a connection between current studies and future educational interest areas. Students are then provided with the opportunity to job-shadow in their career interest area in order to view, first hand, real world career areas, and to further explore future career options.

About the Program

Six Step Process

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